The Māori Elite Tour

Thu 23 Nov 2023
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Thu 23 Nov 2023
Show Times

6:30pm kai; 7:30pm show. Approx. 1 hour

Ticket Prices
Pick $15 
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Service fees apply 


Who is the Māori elite? - I am! that’s right, me: Hori.

Join Māori elitist/artist Hori in this political satire piece as he tries to answer all the questions around Māori elitism or so called “treatyist”. Not inspired by this year’s anti co-governance tour, Hori has decided to do a tour of his own “The Māori Elite Tour”. This is a follow up chat to his M9 Speech earlier this year.

In his hour-long tongue-in-cheek presentation, Hori will speak to 5 art pieces he has created around the co-governance debate. The purpose is not to pour gasoline on the “Hate tour” but to create our own ahi or fire (& blaze that shit up), to offer more of a Māori comedic perspective to the kaupapa/subject.

Each Hori-rious night will begin at 6.30pm with drinks and kai , and at 7.30pm Hori will speak for an hour,  clothing and artworks will be available. So come and have a kai and kōrero at one of the 10 elite shows across the motu/country.

Pick your price option: $15, $20 or $25

Brought to you by:
Te Hori Gallery
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